Natalia Rachel shares her voice to begin to remedy the world’s state of hustle, trauma, disconnect, and disrespect. Her insights into the human condition and our profound need for healing, self-compassion, empathy, and belonging, inspire audiences to awaken their hearts, illuminate their patterns and step forward towards self-care and relational repair.

Natalia Rachel brings an amalgamation of knowledge from years working as a therapist and clinic director with a focus on trauma & abuse recovery, as well as her own personal journey recovering from mental health misdiagnosis and physical health conditions that stemmed from childhood trauma. She is a proud recipient of the Women Icons Asia Award (emerging entrepreneur) for social impact in the domain of trauma-informed culture transformation & self-mastery education.

Her desire to answer the existential questions ‘Why am I?’, ‘Why are you?’, and ‘Why are we?’, led her on an incredible journey exploring mainstream & mental healthcare, complementary healthcare, and the spectrum of spirituality and the healing arts. Her messages distill over 20 years of her own lived self-mastery.

As we learn to live in an endemic world, Natalia Rachel is frequently called on to speak and facilitate workshops that inspire a proactive approach to healing and a collective shift towards peace and power. All her work highlights the undoubtable link between mind, body, spirit, and relationships.

Her topics include belonging, mental health, trauma & trauma-informed culture, boundaries, respect & power, empathy, compassion & vulnerability. All her talks blend concepts from science, psychology, interpersonal neurobiology, philosophy, and spirituality in an engaging, accessible format that includes conceptual learning, experiential process, story, self-inquiry, and self-care tool kit development. Audiences walk away feeling energized, hopeful, and empowered to walk their own path of mastery and become accountable for their social footprint.

Natalia Rachel

Natalia Rachel

An authority in trauma-informed culture, trauma therapist, an educator and speaker, who is on a mission to create more trauma informed spaces around the world.